
Elevating Security For All

This council advances the cybersecurity community.

It seeks to simplify and optimize cybersecurity across the business landscape. It elevates cyber leadership and cyber best practices.



TCSC can connect Clients with leading Cyber, Privacy, Resilience and Compliance practitioners.

Cyber Community

TCSC provides selective and closed opportunities for Cyber folks to uplift their craft and community.

Podcast & Events

TCSC proactively celebrates Cyber leaders, their allies, and strives to bring relevant wisdom sourced from the community.

Defense. Resilience. Incidents. Compliance.

Cybersecurity is a big field.

We will help you simplify and demystify your cybersecurity engagements.

We will source from our vast network of TCSC alumni and vCISOs to source the right answers, at the right time. Our practitioners are top-tier.

Call for a consultation, and we will match you with the right practitioners.

vCISO Services

- Flexible Options -

Free Consultation
30 Minutes

Hourly Rate
$180 to $250

Project Rate
$7,000 to $10,000 for 40 hours of work

Retainer Services
Coming soon

TCSC Podcast

We bring important voices in Cyber to the front.

We deliver our content to YouTube, LinkedIn, and your favorite podcast distributors. We record live sessions, panels, and guided discussions.

We are always seeking top-tier Special Guests.

Please self-select, and offer your cyber wisdom to our community.

Ready to be a Special Guest?

We would like to talk to you about topics and content, and schedule a time for you to join us. Please volunteer.



Venue: TBD
Austin, TX
Panel Discussion
Topic: “What CISOs Need to Know”
Moderator: Andy Lunsford, Co-Founder & CEO, BreachRX
Panelists: Joe Sullivan, Former CSO Cloudflare & Uber + Tim Brown, CISO Solarwinds
Sponsors: BreachRX https://www.breachrx.com/

September 2024

Venue: TBD
Austin, TX
Conference & Panel Discussion
Topic: TBD
Special Guests: Pending
Sponsors: Pending


About Us

The Cyber Security Council (TCSC) is a Cyber-focused community and organization.

It focuses on promoting cyber, and it creates opportunities for its members to engage in Cyber Advisory, Podcasts, Events, and explore healthy vendor engagement.

It was born in Austin, Texas, and it operated as as the Austin Cyber Security Council for several years. But good things tend to grow, and since being embraced in Austin, it has matured into TCSC that we know and love today.

Cyber practitioners, allies, vendors, and cyber enthusiasts are welcome.

Brian Greene

Brian is a former Division 1 College Football player, who has experience across many Cybersecurity software start-ups, and he has a successful exit on his resume too. He is also the Founder and President of this very community, The Cyber Security Council.

Scott Brammer

Scott is a former Marine, an accomplished CISO, and he has 3 patents in cyber and risk.